
Shri sai baba shirdi
Shri sai baba shirdi

shri sai baba shirdi shri sai baba shirdi

This collection would be most delightful for those simple souls whose eyes were not blessed with Sai Baba’s Darshan. So I considered that calling these stories together would be my best Upasana. If these teachings of Sai Baba, which are as interesting and instructive as the Vedic lore, are listened to and meditated upon, devotees will get what they long for, whether it is union with Brahman, mastery in eight-fold Yoga, Bliss of Meditation, etc. They bestow knowledge and wisdom, both in the worldly and spiritual domains. They will give peace and happiness to the people afflicted with sorrows and are heavily loaded with miseries of this worldly existence. The stories, parables, and teachings of Sai Baba are wonderful. “The life of Sai Baba is as wide and deep as the infinite ocean, and all can dive deep into the same and take out precious gems of Divine Knowledge and Devotion, and distribute them to the aspiring public.

shri sai baba shirdi

Why did Hemadpant write the biography of Sai Baba? In his words, the answer is plain and simple.

shri sai baba shirdi

He strictly followed his own Master Venkusa for 12 years, during which he was rigorously trained, following which he attained self-realization. ” Sai Baba insisted on complete self-surrender to Guru as the definite path to Enlightenment. Sai Baba is considered as Samarth Sat-guru, meaning ” the Competent Master. Sai Satcharitra, the life story of Sai Baba written by his disciple Hemadpant, focuses on the relationship between Guru and disciple and the glory and importance of the Guru principle. He led a strict, ascetic life sitting under a Neem tree, meditating with total indifference to cold, heat, or rain. When the young Fakir returned to Shirdi after a short absence, he was welcomed with the words “Ya Sai”, after which people started calling him ‘Sai Baba.’ Sai Baba stayed in Shirdi initially for three years, following which he disappeared and returned in the year 1858. He first showed up as a young lad of sixteen years sitting under a Neem tree in Shirdi. Sai Baba’s actual name remains unknown, and no documented evidence regarding his birth and parents exists. The teachings of Baba were focussed on Devotion, Self-surrender to Sat-guru, Service, and Compassion. It claimed him to be an incarnation of Lord Hanuman. The sacred book about the first incarnation of Lord Dattatreya ‘Sreepada Sreevallabha Charitaamrutam’ written during his lifetime prophesied the incarnation of Sai Baba. He was equally revered among both Hindus and Muslims and is now worshipped all over the world. Sai Baba of Shirdi is an Indian spiritual master considered to be among the highest category of Yogis and seen as a manifestation/Avatara of Lord Dattatreya.

Shri sai baba shirdi