Despite Poseidon losing to Kojiro Sasaki, saying that Heracles won't lose simply because he's not the type of person to. He is also extremely faithful and confident in those of the Greek Pantheon. However, after several rounds of Ragnarok passed, Zeus became more humble, even acknowledging Humanity's strength. Furthermore, Zeus can be very prideful and arrogant, declaring himself to be the "God Father of Cosmos" and confidently remarking that he would destroy Adam. Zeus is also an eccentric individual, having random exaggerated emotional outbursts, breaking into a dance at the start of the second round of Ragnarok in front of everyone present, even being called the most shameful God by Hermes. Zeus' extreme joy for a more interesting than expected Ragnarok Like most Gods, Zeus holds his own kind to a superior and extremely high standard, always expecting them to win no matter the odds, and seething with anger when they lose to Humans. However, his true nature is that of a maniac individual obsessed with fighting, taking sadistic pleasure in crushing his opponents with all might, his hunger for battles made him feel excited at the possibility of a betrayal by Brunhilde and allowed Adamas to stage a rebellion, all for a chance of another war. Zeus excited about the possibility of a war When addressing his fellow Gods, Zeus is extremely calm and authoritative while possessing a very formal and wise disposition.