
Download asus rampage v edition 10 bios update
Download asus rampage v edition 10 bios update

Menu count may or may not be restricted, I cannot remember right now why I asked you that (I’m not looking at the BIOS or my notes), but if I think it’s limited then only way to test would be to give you a file that may brick that is why I asked if you have programmer or not. But yes, maybe some other page inside advanced > Config is clipped, but that’s not what I was asking about, you got what I needed in the new package so thanks. I wanted to see the root of advanced, to see all visible settings (if any) and all submenus shown. Larger capacity devices? What is your programmer? Normally size wouldn’t matter, unless it’s super old and only works with some ancient proprietary software Just thought I’d mention it ( you probably already know ) as I presume you have the same Mobo as me. I did find one disturbing thing though and it appears I might need to update the CPU microcode for Spectre myself, it turned out that Microsoft patched my system for Spectre through software and it just completely killed my overclock, no mater what I did I couldn’t get it back, I deleted the softpatch from windows system32 called from memory mcupdate.genuineintel from memory and while that has fixed my overclock my system is no longer Spectre protected, it must be possible to have my cake and eat it too, otherwise I wouldn’t have brought this board. Please let me know if you can see I have missed anything else, I am certainly looking forward to seeing what I can do with the fully unlocked powers of the board. It would be nice to keep My Favorites if possible but if menu count is restricted I would certainly rather have access to all menus and functionality than fluff. I noticed too that I seem to have clipped to options from the bottom of advanced->configuration so I have added another zip file with those and the root of advanced. I do have a flash programmer but I would need to look if it could handle these modern flash chips as it wasn’t really designed for large capacity devices - and to be honest I brought the thing and never got around to the project that required it - let’s just call it a “pending work in progress”. In case menu count is fixed, do you use/care about “My Favorites” or can it be replaced with IntelRCSetup later, if we eventually find this to be an issue (adding another entry)?

Download asus rampage v edition 10 bios update